Frequently Asked Questions

sample imageBelow you will find a list of frequently asked questions.  If you do not see your question listed below, feel free to click on the Contact page and send us an email.

Setup requirements?

For registrants there is no installation required.  Any web browser capable device can connect to and signup for events, this includes smartphones.

Access to the administration area requires Silverlight to be installed.  This will automatically download when you first register for your account.

Is it secure?

Yes, all our products are developed with security in mind.  A code and (optional) password is required in order to access an event to signup.  This ensure only your target registrants have access to signup.

Signup sessions automatically time out after a certain period to prevent unauthorized access using browser history.

In addition, any sensitive information such as passwords are encrypted before being stored in the database.

Your question isn't here?

We are always available to provide help and answer any questions you might have.  Simply click on the Contact link below, or send an email directly to to recieve back a prompt reply.