About Us

The software industry is a fast moving and dynamic space.  To thrive in this environment requires an agile approach to development.  Being ready to respond quickly to problems and enhancement requests allows our products to effectively evolve and grow, all in a much shorter development cycle than are typically used by large corporations.


Your data is your own!  Many online software companies offer a product that provides you with a service, but not access to the usage data as it builds up over time.  For businesses in the digital age this is an important tool for you to leverage.  All our products ensure that you have access to historical data so that you can examine trends, analyze gaps, and better manage your business.

Giving you what you want, not what we think you need.  Often times a product can become bloated with a long list of features that never get used but you end up paying for them anyway.  With our modular designs we put you in control.  Purchase only what you need, when you need it.

What we offer

sample imageAll our products require no monthly fee for accessing.  Instead you only pay for what you use.  The same applies to features as they are made available.  In addition to extensive core functionality, expanded modules can be added for each product to further enhance its function.  Purchase only the ones that benefit you!


Thing One

sample imagePatrick is a Software Engineer with 10+ years experience working on large scale applications for a Fortune 500 company.

His passion for programming and attention to detail provides Pfrenzied Solutions with its techincal know-how.

Thing Two

sample imageHeather is a Nursing student, Web Designer, Creative Director, and Social Media expert. 

She provides the artistic insight as well as balance to an otherwise chaotic life.